Friday, July 1, 2011

Extreme Couponing : Fact or Fiction?

The hit TLC show Extreme Couponing has created a buzz that's becoming more prevailent by the day. With stories of grocery deals that range from impressive to nothing short of epic, it's understandable why so many consumers would find interest in the idea that they too may find hidden riches at the checkout stand. Is it possible to find similar success? Extreme couponers yield savings of up to 100% and even occasionaly leave the store with a cart full of stuff they were actually paid to take home. This author is left to ponder the possibility if the stories shown are true, or could they be over dramaticized for the sake of tv ratings?
Although some of the stories shown on the program seem very far fetched and unbelievable, I am happy to report that supermarket success with couponing is actually quite attainable for the saavy shopper. My wife and I have been couponing much in the same way as those highlighted on tv for almost two full years before the network premiere of Extreme Couponing. What started as a way to decrease expenses has evolved into more of a competition within ourselves and our household. The thought of another "deal of a lifetime" is always just around the corner. A flame has been ignited in our hearts after becoming overwhelmed with excitement after some memorable shopping experiences. Though I must warn my readers, the stories featured on the show are highly unlikely scenarios. These are incredibly rare occurences that may lead many into false expectations. The featured stories will typically showcase massive shopping sprees in which the consumer usually saves hundreds of dollars and in some cases, thousands. This is not a realistic mindset to have when preparing a new adventure in the couponing world. You will be at constant battle with store coupon policies, product shortages, & an almost never ending problem with mispriced merchandise.
If enough time is available for planning and researching deals, anyone is capable of saving an incredible amount of money by making coupons an active form of currency on shopping trips. Though sometimes frustrating and time consuming, each win at the register will provide fuel to continue your efforts while a stock pile of name brand merchandise begins to emerge from the frequent trips. In my experience, the massive hauls you've seen on tv are rare however, I myself have experienced similar successes. Having cut one particular bill at my local supermarket from over $150 down to just under $20 was the first of many memorable shopping experiences. A wealth of information is just a click away for those interested in saving money with coupons. One particular source of information that my household has found to be of particular value is at Host to a pool of deal scenarios and coupon links, coupled with member testimonials and stories of savings with coupons. Collin Morgan, the website owner, even hosts a series of informative videos called "Follow Me Mondays". In these videos she films herself on shopping trips so that you too can see how professional couponers save money at the registers simply by knowing where, and when to use coupons.

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